Exploring the World from the American West

... a row of narrow paper spines representing monographs on various subjects to which Peter had given his attention at one time of another. -- Jill Paton Walsh

Seeing inside the Earth with Seismology

The Trees of Colorado

Weather for the Boulder area and other weather forecasts and observations

Investigations in Historic Technology



History and Culture

Traditional Sail Boats

The Wier Tartan     Pat Wier's Tartan No. 1



    Website Use report. Average count per month of views or article downloads, January through June 2019.

      Article ave. count per month
      Complete site 16841
      Colorado Trees home page 2200
      Jules Verne's Nautilus design 1018
      Mountain Men Bibliography 992
      Brick Bake Oven plans 979
      Biscuits and Crackers 636
      Pinyon Pine 1158
      Ponderosa Pine 559
      Firearms of Lewis and Clark 449
      Cottonwood 301
      Bristlecone Pine 287
      Junipers 254
      Aspen 233
      Skiffs 247
      Sharpies 175
      Sundials 182
      Santos Dumont's Demoiselle history 138
      Santos Dumont's Demoiselle replicas 93

      Total site visits January through June 2019 = 101046, averaging 550 per day.
      My reports on the native trees of Colorado have about as much demand as everything else put together.
      The most significant items published here are the original investigations in the history of technology: "Construction of Egyptian Old Kingdom Pyramids", "Superbly Small: Alberto Santos-Dumont and his Demoiselle Airplanes", "The Design of Jules Verne's Submarine Nautilus," and "The Firearms of Lewis and Clark."

Original material Copyright © 1981-2022 Stuart K Wier
Reproduction, retransmission, reuse, or redistribution prohibited without prior written consent of the author.