Books to ID Colorado Native Trees
These books can help you identify the native trees of Colorado. No single guide book can be perfect for all uses. Remember than one single leaf, stem, tree form, or flower, may not be enough to make a positive ID. Books are listed alphabetically by author.
Plants of Rocky Mountain National Park, by Linda Beidleman, Richard Beidleman, and Beatrice Willard.
The Naturalist's Guide to the Southern Rockies, by Audrey DeLella Benedict.
Trees of Utah, by Sherman Brough and Darrell J. Weber .
Trees and Shrubs of Colorado, by Jack Carter.
Wild Boulder County, by R. C. Cushman and Stephen Jones.
Rocky Mountain Flora, by James Ells.
Shrubs and Trees of the Southhwest Uplands, by Francis H. Elmore.
Plants of the Rocky Mountains, by L. Kershaw, A. MacKinnon, and J Pojar.
Rocky Mountain Trees, by Richard Preston.
Western Trees, by Maggie Stuckey and George Palmer.
Compiled by Stuart Wier, 2019.